Healthy Adult Recipe Formulation

Getting your dogs nutrition on point is key for a balanced lifestyle our package includes.

  • Fully balanced raw or cooked recipes formulated to FEDIAF or AFFCO standards
  • Recipe for daily amounts and 14 weeks
  • 10 min call to talk through with me

1 thought on “Healthy Adult Recipe Formulation”

  1. Hi there,
    We have a little black heinz called Lexi who is 5 years old. It’s an understatement to say that we love this little mutt to bits. I wouldn’t say she has any particular health problems but she’s recently just being a bit ‘off’ her food (kibble or wet). We’ve fed her raw or kibble over the years and we’d really like to get her off kibble because frankly we wouldn’t put that in our stomachs. We’re a bit sceptical about raw though, as we hear about the risks but also we’re vegetarians and it’s really not nice having the raw around really (though I don’t have an issue with cooking meat). Do you help with formulating cooked diets? We’d love to prepare Lexi’s meals but the internet bombards you with different advice and well that’s why I had a look to see if there is anyone local who could help
    We look forward to hearing from you.
    Many thanks,

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